Recently, reel video or short video on social networking platforms is dominating and has become an interesting choice for many people as a medium to advertise their business.

If previously the short video form has been a main tool of Tik Tok only, now, this kind of video form is available on other social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, YoutubeShort… And in addition to the available tools such as regular photos and normal videos, reel videos officially became a hot advertising channel as well.

Because of the advantages of this video format, real estate marketers around the world are starting to use it for their marketing campaigns. Let’s take a look at some pros of this product and decide if it can become a strategic product on your list?

1. Ability to attract viewers because it is a short video with highly selective content

Unlike normal videos, reel videos are usually short, about 20 seconds – 1 minute. So the content of this type of video is often highly selective, concise and short. It is also because of this point that reel video will have the ability to attract viewers’ attention more than ordinary videos.

The same goes for real estate, reel form requires you to show the most prominent and general details about the house to attract viewers and homebuyers.

2. Low production cost, but high efficiency

Most video reel products also support popular file formats such as mp4 or mov, so you won’t have to pay for additional equipment when you want to shoot this product. You can even produce a reel video with just a smartphone.

3. Supported cross-platform, convenient for advertising

The use of social networks for real estate marketing campaigns is no longer unknown to the realtors. Therefore, the tools that can help them promote their campaigns on social networks will be very attentive and fully utilized.

Currently, most social networking sites support the reel video format, because of the high efficiency it brings to users, especially in the field of marketing.

Therefore, many real estate photographers have started to include this type of product in their list of main products besides the usual photo and video format.

4. Diverse content can help you express your own voice and personality

Because it is a short video format, the content of the reel will not be framed. Therefore, producers can freely create their own content, express their own style and personality. This is completely different from the usual real estate video format in terms of shooting. Besides that, the scene transitions in the reel can have a faster tempo. Along with that, production can present the content in their own way to make their products more unique and attractive.

With our experience in real estate photography and marketing, BEEPEC can help you keep pace with this new video format. Our video editors have updated and learned about the style trend of this kind of video and how to make it more interesting. So let’s come to us and try this new service.


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