You will find out how BEEPEC manages Photo Quality Process in this article.

What clients always look for when outsourcing their photos is a high-quality product. BEEPEC completely get the point so every single photo will go through a tight quality control process before delivering.

The process starts with the first “soldiers” in the frontline: our Customer Service Officers (or CSOs). All of our CSOs are graduated with a college-level degree in English and able to communicate with customers quite well.

So when clients send us a new order, they will translate their guidelines and send them to our editors. This is the first step to ensure that our editors understand the clients’ ideas.

First thing first, our editors are going to apply the standard editing process to all jobs.

Whether they are brackets or single photo, we will do adjust these elements: white balance, brightness, highlight/shadow, etc. By doing so, we can make sure that the final quality will be consistent throughout. This is the reason why we can handle a large amount of work without degrading quality. 

Building a customer database is also important in keeping the consistency and customizing different styles for our clients. BEEPEC is going to note down the preference during the time working with clients. Our editors will have to read through customer styles before starting to work on any orders.


After our editors finish editing the photos, our Quality Assurance Executives (QAs) will revise the entire job for any editing error that is still there. Next step, our QAs will send the job to the next round of checking. Our leaders of the editing team – who have over 10 years of experience in the field – will do another double-check before officially send to the CSOs.

At the last step, our CSOs will go through the photos one last time to ensure that we did not miss any of the clients’ instructions.

Now, you might wonder if our complicated checking process meets the standard turnaround time. Yes, it does. From the beginning to the end, we will complete all of the steps within 12-15 hours for Real Estate Photo Editing.


Along with high-quality outputs, quick turnaround time is the second most important criteria when new customers reaching out to BEEPEC. Our turnaround time is roughly 12-15 hours but it also could be flexible in special cases. 

If there are “911” projects, our team would give it a priority so that it could be delivered sooner than normal delivery time. The most important thing, one of our mottoes is rushing in time but not in quality. BEEPEC will allocate its resources to have that project finished while ensuring it to be processed and reviewed just as the normal ones.


A key part of controlling quality of our work is fixing revisions. Though the clients have received the final images, that project is still not yet closed. Sometimes, clients send us adjustment requests post-delivery.

In that situation, our team will check the comments to see whether we missed the initial instructions or they are new requests touched up. Our editors will revise the photos accordingly. After the corrections are complete, our QAs will judge them one more time before sending them to the final place.

For the first time working with BEEPEC, many clients wondered if the revisions would cost an extra amount. Please worry-free! In this case, we won’t charge you any extra fee if the updated instructions do not belong to our Retouching services like object removals or adding items, etc. Our team will send you an email to you per case if any request costs you an additional amount.

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